If there is a superman, there should be a super woman. Hahaha... Hey! Maybe it's time for me to post an issue here... Hmmm... Let me think. How about discussing effective broadcasting strategies? Share your idea here...
Aliza Ali LIVE at TV1 News
Temubual Pengarah Jabatan Hal Ehwal Khas (JASA) Sabah, Haji Abdul Manap Lakariba sempena Majlis Rumah Terbuka Aidilfitri KPKK Sabah 2011
23 March 2009
19 March 2009
"Don't judge the book by it's cover" - That's what some people say about personality. Well, for me it is important to success. I learned this from my experiences. I noticed that I'll perform better if I'm satisfied with my personality. And, of course it will lead for higher achievements. I still remembered the time I was pregnant, my second child. It was about 2-years ago when I am still too new in broadcasting field. This lady thought me how to do spot reporting, asked my whether I want to be a news reader before she told me that I can't achieve it because I am fat. The way she's talking is too much for me. Anyway, I thank her. At least I know how important is my image to be a versatile broadcaster. Somehow, I would like to remind that there will be categories of people who will judge us differently. They are people who impress us, envy us and ignore us. This is because personality is subjective matter so we should not be too sensitive to it. In the same time, try to improve our personality and performance from time to time. :)
Posted by Aliza Ali at 2:21 PM 2 comments
18 March 2009
Managing Stress
As life going busy from time to time, there must be a moment when we feel stressful. I feel that too! I'm handling my routine life as a reporter, newsreader, webmistress, wife for my beloved husband, mother of two sons and as an off-campus student. Here's some tips... 1. Take deep breath 2. Close your eyes 3. Meet someone you can share with 4. You may want to be alone but try to go to public area. 5. Appreciate yourself. It's enough than peoples' appreciation.
Posted by Aliza Ali at 9:34 AM 0 comments
17 March 2009
Career Progress
Well, after I came back from the Interactive Radio Course in Tawau from 10-14th March (which was last week), I feel that I am ready for the next challenge. Not just to be a versatile broadcasting journalist and telecaster but also as an important person in my unit; News and Current Affairs at RTM KK. I'm holding a few responsibilities for my unit and the latest, as a person who incharge building out unit's website. Still don't know whether I can make it or not but I need support from all. I acknowledge that I have the talent that I need to polish from time to time. This reminds me about what my boss (Abd Razak Hamid) told me, "When you get popular through expossions, please don't be like some people who are rude after few achievements". Thanks Boss, I'll remember that. ALWAYS.
Posted by Aliza Ali at 9:14 AM 0 comments
16 March 2009
To Be An Emcee?
Wow! Life is full of challenges! This is not the first time I was asked "Do you want to be an emcee?". First was when my husband told me about Tina Rahim (one of the entertainment program producer, she's also my friend) and latest was asked by Nurkisa Madkassim (senior Sandakan FM DJ cum part time emcee in Sandakan). Honestly, "I do". I used to be Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) Company, Elken Sdn Bhd emcee in the year of 2003. But that was just for fun. Now, if I really want to upgrade myself, I think there's no harm for me to try. I'm looking for a producer who believe in me. That's all.
Posted by Aliza Ali at 3:30 PM 0 comments
15 March 2009
Voice Over for TV Programme
Huhhh... Never thought Voice Over for TV Program is hard but urghhh... It need more effort to make it alive! You might be thinking voice over is just reading the program's script but it's more than that! I was offered by Wani (one of our department TV Unit Assistant Producer) to voice over five (5) of her TV Selamat Pagi Malaysia (SPM) Programme on March 4th, which was last week. I was happy to get the oppurtunity but at the same time, I'm afraid. Why? Cuz I want to give my best through my first try but i don't really know how. I somehow took the challenge and Victor (our visual editor) told me, "Your intonation still sounds like news reading". That is what I fear of! But I improve my intonation from the first script till the last. And to my surprise, Wani was satisfied with my perfomance. She also promised that I'll have second chance. You must want to know how I did it. ~~~I feel the script~~~ For my next TV Program Voice Over, I promise better quality for the audience. Thanks to Wani and Victor.
Posted by Aliza Ali at 10:43 PM 1 comments
14 March 2009
Spot Reporting
I can't recall when was my first spot reporting (i mean recorded version) but shall I say it is a routine in my career as a broadcasting journalist. Spot reporting is doing report on-the-spot from the event venue. Normally it is all about conclusion of event or our personal opinion which can lead more improvements. I still remember when i did a spot reporting from election campaign in Sepanggar for Datuk Hajah Jainab DSP Ahmad Ayid, ADUN Karambunai. It was a live recorded version but still, i felt nervous but I done it well. :) So, AGAIN, for me all we need is CONFIDENCE.
Posted by Aliza Ali at 8:53 AM 0 comments
13 March 2009
Live Telecast 18 Oct 2008
This is all about the 51st Malaysia Day Celebration which is held at Padang Merdeka, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah on the 18th October, last year. I was chosen as the TV Presenter for this event, together with Suhaimi Mohammad, the TV1 Selamat Pagi Malaysia programme presenter. Well... The live telecast started from 8.30pm to 10.30pm (2 hours) and that was my first experience to be on TV for that long! Goshhh... Frankly speaking, Suhaimi is more dominant than me! - That's what the producer told me. What a shame! But, I would like to thank her (Kak Zie- the producer) for telling me the truth. Cuz that will improve my skills. "Terima kasih Kak Zie". And not forgetting Norazlan and Aris Arapa (also the producers) and Suhaimi for giving me the chance. At least i learnt something precious in this production and broadcasting world. I'm looking forward for the next live programme telecast.
Posted by Aliza Ali at 8:50 AM 1 comments
12 March 2009
Being a Newscaster
I never thought that i'll become a newscaster one day but now, here I am. I know I can make it, but never thought that it came so fast in my life... To that, i should give my special thanks to my seniors; Haji Salim Ibrahim, Haji Othman Abd Hamid and Zainuddin Jamlu who opened up the opportunities for me to walk the path as a newscaster. Thanks so muuuccchhh!!! They're the people who really fight for me when some people think that i'm still too new for it. But, I did my best in 1st newscasting and always try my best till now. Personally, I think ALL we need is CONFIDENCE.
Posted by Aliza Ali at 8:56 AM 1 comments
11 March 2009
Sharing Experiences
I believe there are always rooms for improvement. As a new broadcast journalist, i always seek for new communication skills from time to time. In the same time, i'm ever ready to share my small pieces of experiences to you. I still remember the first time i went on air through the television for the 10-minutes live telecast on Maulidurrasul Celebration 1429H. It was 20 March 2008, if i'm not mistaken. My programme producer is Dorris (now retired) and Kanin Paiman. Since that was my first time being exposed through the TV, Dorris thought me a lot about personality. She told me about hair-style, make-up, clothing and characteristics... And, here i am now with a few changes, NOT ALL. FYI, my 'new' personality really help to build up my skills and career from time to time... Special thanks to Dorris.
Posted by Aliza Ali at 12:33 PM 0 comments
10 March 2009
Launching of Aliza Ali's Official Blog
Today, is the first day of this blog. It was created after I attend Interactive Radio Course by IPTAR in Tawau Community College from 10-14th March 2009. This blog will enable you to interact with Aliza Ali, the Sabah news reader cum TV1 Presenter who are also a Broadcast Journalist. You are most welcomed to post your comment. Perhaps you could leave your email too! Thanks for your support.
Posted by Aliza Ali at 11:43 PM 1 comments
Type : BLOG