Sometimes, i just can't stand longer to face all these challenges... But, since I am a strong motivated woman, I manage to overcome all kind of pressure in my life by persuading myself that "This is the only way to success, and it's all for you and your family good sake".
I was married to my husband, Ariff since December 24th, 2004. One and a half year later, which on the 14th May 2006, I delivered my eldest son, AMN Putra Ag Arif and less than a year, I delivered my second son, AMN Indra Ag Arif who is now 2 and a half years old. Since then, my life has changed, time is limited.
It's not because I failed to manage my time but it's the commitment which I've choosen to be with. I accept the offer to be a Grade B17 Program Producer in RTM Kota Kinabalu on July 3rd, 2006. Just a month after I delivered Putra.
Although job by job offered to me in this career, I still manage to give my best effort without negleting my beloved husband and adorable kids.
Challenges even stronger when I made a decision to take an off-campus learning program in Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS). It started on July 2008 when I took a 4-years learning program to get Degree in Communication. Time even limited when my Saturday and Sunday schedule is now switch to the campus life.
It's somehow a very tiring life, but as I believe, "This is the only way to success, and it's all for you and your family good sake".
Aliza Ali LIVE at TV1 News
Temubual Pengarah Jabatan Hal Ehwal Khas (JASA) Sabah, Haji Abdul Manap Lakariba sempena Majlis Rumah Terbuka Aidilfitri KPKK Sabah 2011
09 October 2009
Challenges as a wife, mother, daughther, staff and student
Posted by Aliza Ali at 9:15 AM 0 comments
06 October 2009
PTK & Temuduga Penerbit Rancangan Gred B27
Hari ini, AA menghadiri Ulangan PTK Umum. Soalannya nampak mudah tapi susah nak pastikan sama ada percubaan kali ini berjaya atau sebaliknya. Pun begitu, AA berpuas hati dengan jawapan yang AA berikan. Hari ini juga, AA menerima surat panggilan temuduga Penerbit Rancangan Gred B27 yang dinanti-nantikan selama ini... AA sudah lulus ujian bertulis dan amali tahun lalu tetapi keputusan tersebut disimpan untuk tempoh 2 tahun dan akan berakhir Ogos tahun depan. Alhamdulillah... Akhirnya penantian ini terjawab juga. Insya-Allah... AA akan menghadiri temuduga itu dan cuba menjawab soalan temuduga dengan tenang dan baik walaupun masih tidak pasti apakah soalan yang bakal ditanyakan nanti. Semoga perjuangan AA mendapat rahmat Allah s.w.t. dan restu suami, ibu bapa dan keluarga serta sokongan teman-teman seperjuangan. Amin.
Posted by Aliza Ali at 3:03 PM 0 comments